Do I Need Brand Guide Even if I'm the Only One in the Business?

"Do I need a Brand Guide even if I'm the only one in the business?" 🤷‍♀️

This is a question that comes up from time to time with Sole Traders/small businesses, and it's a reasonable question to ask!

Your business' brand guide is the 'bible'📖 in which all creative asset and branding decisions are based upon.

When done correctly, your brand guide features the fundamentals of your brand (things like your core mission, offering, and brand personality), the 'visual' elements of your brand (colours, fonts, logotype, design rules) and examples of your brand application on digital and print collateral.

A brand guide takes out the guess work of how to create assets for your business, ensures total consistency across your entire marketing footprint, and is a guide for any future staff, collaborators, or affiliating businesses on how exactly your brand is to be presented.✅

So, regardless of how small or large your business is, having a brand guide is essential in setting your business up right from the beginning. ☺️

Do you have a Brand Guide? Contact us today and we will get you sorted.


Finding the Sweet Spot with Branding


How Our Discovery Call Works